Beechwood Garden Apartment, 6/23/2012

before K's birth, my hormones had gone crazy. they (the hormones)  along with my move from india to US and the joblessness had somehow managed to convince me that socialising isn't my thing and i am better off reading, crocheting or knitting at home. so till sometime back i hardly knew anyone in Pittsburgh... but then Pradyot was born and as he started growing i realized that for his healthy upbringing it is important that i step out of the apartment and meet other kids and their moms. at first we took K to the public library for a few sessions of Baby and Me and there we realized that socially he was beginning to become like us... shy and introvert. Being aware of the social setbacks of people of our kind we definitely did not want that for our son. so we started taking K  out for walks in the neighbourhood and soon enough we made a few friends.... friends who blamed my unsocial behaviour to postpartum depression and helped me bounce back into normal life.... last saturday over a potluck dinner party we said goodbye to one such friend.. Paromita-di. and there... at the party we were thrilled to see our little one warming up to the other kids on the block....

K with Atharva-dada at Bala-Raj-Sachin's Beechwood Blvd Apt, 6/23/2012
